CFPB Consumer Advisory: Money in payment apps may lack protections On June 1st, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released an analysis of deposit insurance coverage on funds stored through payment apps and found that consumer funds "can be at risk of loss in the event of financial distress or failure of the entity operating the mobile payment platform, and often are not placed in an account at a bank or credit union and lack individual deposit insurance coverage." An accompanying consumer advisory provides more information and guidance for consumers who use these apps. |
The Personal Investment Enterprise (PIE) program is a local savings program provided through Community Action Programs of Boulder County and Mile High United Way. The program is designed for low-income families to enroll in financial literacy classes and save through a matched saving account at a rate of 4 to 1. The first step in applying to the program is to attend an orientation meeting with Community Action Programs at Boulder County. They can be reached at 303-441-3998 or at [email protected]. For more information on the PIE program visit https://www.bouldercounty.org/families/community-action-programs/personal-investment-enterprise/ or https://unitedwaydenver.org/personal-investment-enterprise-pie-program/. To see if you qualify, take this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PrelimPIE.